Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information

根据伊利诺斯州 Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Act, a student has the right to authorize the College, 以书面形式, to dis关闭 their private mental health information to a person of their choosing using the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Form. For additional information, contact the Director of Student Support 和 Engagement at (815) 455-8554. 请注意,与 《胜博发app》 20 U.S.C. §1232g及其在34 CFR§99的规定.36, 学院可以 dis关闭 a student's private information to persons who need to know that information in the event of or to avert a health or safety emergency, even if those persons have not been designated by the student on their Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Form.

Fill in the form 和 submit it to the Vice President of Student Affairs in the Student Affairs Office, A252.

  • Administrative Procedures for Compliance with the Illinois Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Act

    按照伊利诺斯州的规定 Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (“法案”,P.A. 99-278), a student's mental health information is considered private in nature 和 will not be released to a third party without that student's prior written consent, unless otherwise provided by other state or federal laws.

    A student who desires to authorize disclosure of certain private mental health information about himself or herself to a designated person for purposes set out in the Act must complete a Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Form, which shall be made available on a link included on the College's website: www.麦克亨利.edu/ferpa.This form must be submitted to the Vice President of Student Affairs in the Student Affairs Office, A252. The form will remain valid until the student revokes his or her authorization by notifying the College 以书面形式 that he or she is withdrawing this authorization.

    如果一个合格的考官, who is employed by the College in that capacity, determines that a student poses a clear danger to the student 或其他, the qualified examiner will verify that the student has completed 和 provided the College with a Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Form designating a person to whom the College is authorized to dis关闭 this information.

    如果学生已经提交了 Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Form, 合格审查员应当, as soon as practicable but no more than 24 hours after making the determination described above, attempt to contact 和 notify the designated person that the qualified examiner has made a determination that the student poses a clear, 对自己的迫在眉睫的危险, 或其他. The College shall document any 和 all attempts of the qualified examiner to reach the designated person.

    McHenry County College may not always employee individuals who have the credentials to serve as "qualified examiners" within the meaning of the Act, who are in a position to make the mental health determination described above. Nor is the College required to employ such individuals. 因此, the College cannot assure a student that it will be able to dis关闭 the student's condition to the person that the student has designed to received confidential mental health information about him or her in the circumstances provided for in the Act,

    The Vice President of Student Affairs shall periodically review whether the College employs a "qualified examiner" who is in a position to make the determinations provided for in the Act.

    最后,与之一致 家庭教育权利和隐私法, 20 U.S.C. §1232g及其在34 CFR§99的规定.36(“FERPA”), 学院可以, in situations where a health or safety emergency exists, dis关闭 confidential personally identifiable information about a student without his or her consent, to any individuals the College reasonably determines to be in need of that information for public health 和 safety reasons, subject to the conditions 和 limitations set out in FERPA.