
Jump start your new career in Supply Chain Management! Earn your 供应链管理证书 in only two semesters 和 prepare for a variety of entry- 和 mid-level management positions as a purchasing agent, 业务经理, 物流分析, 或者供应链经理.

已经在管理? Fine-tune your skills 和 become a more effective 和 efficient decision maker, 问题解决者, 和后勤人员, or pursue American Production 和 Inventory Control Society (APICS) certification.

联系 (815) 479-7521 有关于这个项目的具体问题.




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What you need to know about getting your 供应链管理证书 (CIP 52.0205)

Total 供应链管理证书 成本s
成本 在地区 然而 州外 international
学费 $2,187 $5,924.7 $8,329.14 $8,329.14
额外的成本 $624.5 $624.5 $624.5 $624.5
项目总 $2,811.5 $6,549.2 $8,953.64 $8,953.64

What makes MCC's 供应链管理证书 program better than, 或者不同于, 其他机构也有类似的项目?

  • McHenry County businesses partnered with MCC to develop this 供应链管理证书 program because employers in our community are actively seeking c和idates with this knowledge base! While earning your 供应链管理证书, you'll have opportunities to network with those businesses, 加快找工作的速度.
  • The classes required for this 证书 are stackable into our 工业管理与技术 or 业务管理AAS degrees.

How will MCC's 供应链管理证书 program prepare me for my career or connect me to opportunities?

  • As a part of the coursework for the 供应链管理证书, you'll work with local 和 national businesses 和 other students to solve real-world problems within the local community. You'll also have opportunities to network with industry professionals within the college as well as business leaders as part of the prescribed coursework 和 internship opportunities.
  • 利用胜博发app 职业服务 和 the resources available for career information, resume building, 和 job search activities.


The courses within this program are great preparation for American Production 和 Inventory Control Society (APICS) certification, an industry st和ard within the manufacturing 和 supply chain management sectors. Companies look for that knowledge base when selecting new c和idates for hire 和 after completing this program, you'll be poised for success from the onset with this skillset.


Semesters to complete assumes students are taking a full-time credit load of 12 credits per semester (the minimum required for federal financial aid).

Proportion of students completing in normal time is the percentage of completers who earned the credential within the specified time of their first enrollment at the College.

学生 attending part-time or changing their program of study are two common reasons why they may not complete in "normal" time.

学费 和 fees are set by the 校董会. Prices for books 和 supplies are subject to change.

See additional information about international student costs.