Emergency Response and Evacuation

MCC Emergency Phone Numbers

使用MCC电话拨打911时,不需要先拨9. MCC Police and the Emergency Dispatch Center are automatically notified of your location when you call 911 from a campus phone.

Call 8733 from an MCC campus phone to reach MCC Police 在没有生命危险的情况下. Examples might include:

  • 请求帮助一个捣乱的学生(非暴力)
  • 请求安全护送到你的车上
  • Unlocking a classroom door
  • Reporting a crime (not in progress)
  • 报告交通事故(无伤害)
  • 报告受伤或医疗援助(不危及生命)


Emergency Response/Evacuation

Emergencies, disasters, accidents, and injuries can occur at any time and without warning. Being prepared physically and mentally to handle emergencies is an individual as well as an organizational responsibility.

McHenry County College has established emergency procedures for you to follow so that the effects of those emergencies can be minimized. 你的安全至关重要.

The purpose of this information is to acquaint you with a plan for handling emergencies and disasters. 一旦你熟悉了这些信息, 你就能保护自己,也许还能挽救一条生命.

你准备得越充分,你对紧急情况的反应就越好. No matter what the crisis: think before you act; then act swiftly to minimize your exposure to danger. 在紧急情况发生之前,请仔细阅读本指南.


How to Respond

  • Medical Emergency Procedures

    Life Threatening Injury or Illness

    • 不要让受伤/生病的一方独自一人.
    • 指定一个特定的人拨打911,并将信息传递给急救人员.
    • 如果经过这样的培训,胜博发app提供急救/心肺复苏术.
    • Campus Police personnel are trained first responders in first aid/CPR and AED (Automated External Defibrillator).


    • 拨打8733并请求校园警察回应.


    • Call 8733 to notify Campus Police.
    • 如果学生表示他/她正在考虑自杀,请立即拨打911.
  • Fire

    Make sure you know the location of fire, exits, alarms and extinguishers for your area.

    • Call 911 immediately.
    • 如果小型火灾可控(废纸篓大小), call 911, then locate the nearest fire extinguisher and promptly direct the charge of the fire extinguisher toward the base of the fire.
    • If the fire is not controllable, locate the nearest red fire alarm box on a hallway wall and pull down on the white handle to activate the building's alarm system.
    • 立即撤离大楼并拨打911.
    • When you get outside, proceed at least 500 feet away from the building to the farthest area of the parking lots. 保持消防通道、消防栓和人行道畅通,以便急救人员和车辆通行.
    • 协助行动不便的人士离开大楼.
    • 发生火灾时不要使用电梯.
    • Smoke is toxic. 如果有烟雾,请靠近地板.
    • 如果你是最后一个离开办公室或教室的人,出门时记得关门.
    • When you get outside, proceed at least 500 feet away from the building to the grassy area on the other side of the parking lots. 保持消防通道、消防栓和人行道畅通,以便急救人员和车辆通行.
    • 留在指定的安全区域,直到警报解除.
    • Remain calm
  • Tornado/Severe Weather
    • A tornado/severe weather watch 在严重紧急情况发展的合适条件下是否有效.
      • Be alert for announcements.
      • 在正常的基础上继续上课和办公.
    • A tornado/severe weather warning is in effect when a tornado or severe storm has been sighted in this or an adjacent county and when its approach to the local area is imminent.
      • The public address system will be used to announce a tornado warning and will direct people to move to a safe shelter area.
      • Move immediately to a safe shelter area and cover up to avoid injury from flying debris. 每个教室都张贴了安全区域的位置.
      • Avoid areas with wide-span roofs, such as the gym/multi-purpose room, library, café, commons and atrium.
      • Remain calm 并协助他人找到指定的避难区域.
      • 允许任何行动不便的人优先使用电梯.
      • 待在指定的安全区域直到广播系统发出解除警报.
      • 如果你在一辆车里,而龙卷风即将来临, 从你的车里出来,搬到一个永久性的建筑里.
  • Earthquake

    Earthquakes generally occur without warning and may cause minor to serious ground shaking, 对建筑物的破坏和人身伤害.

    • Upon the first indication of an earthquake, direct all persons to drop, cover and hold. Dropping, 遮住头(如果可能的话,躲在结实的桌子下面), and holding onto furniture (even if it is moving) offers the best overall level of protection in most situations.
    • 在地震不那么剧烈的情况下, 你可能会换一个更有利的职位.g. 远离破窗、头顶危险等.) as you drop, cover and hold.
    • 如在户外,应指示人员远离建筑物、煤气和电线.
    • 如果接到校外疏散命令,请准备转移到偏远地点.
    • 避免去健身房/多功能厅、图书馆、咖啡厅、公共场所和中庭.
    • 留在指定的安全区域,直到警报解除.
  • Active Shooter/Attacker

    在一个活跃的射手/攻击者的情况下,你的安全是重要的. 因为这些情况是多变的,选择对生存很重要. 校警建议大家跑、躲、打. See safety videos


    如果你知道枪手的位置并且可以安全逃跑, 你应该逃离枪声,找个安全的地方躲起来. Once safe, call 911.


    If you are unable to run from the shooter/attacker due to the proximity and lockdown is your option, follow the lockdown procedure below. Call 911.


    If you are confronted by an active shooter/attacker and there are no other options, fight. 你必须准备好全力抵抗攻击. There is power in numbers.

  • Lockdown

    Used when there is a threat of violence or serious incident that could jeopardize the safety of students and employees (e.g. 枪击、人质事件、帮派斗殴).

    当通过公共广播系统宣布封锁时,或者 Rave alert:

    • 如果存在危及生命的情况,并且这样做是安全的, 立即撤离到安全的地方.
    • Call 911.
    • 如果可能的话,清理你所在区域附近的走廊和浴室, 把所有人都搬到远离窗户的房间.
    • 锁好门,关灯,关上百叶窗和窗户.
    • 让学生和工作人员远离门窗.
    • 难道所有的人都要散开,靠着内墙而坐吗.
    • 忽略所有的铃声和警报,除非另有指示.
    • 在解除警报信号发出之前不要离开该区域,还是安全.
    • If outside, move students and others to safety and wait for further instructions through announcement or mass notification.


    • Lock the door.
    • Turn out lights
    • Move out of sight.
    • Spread out.
  • Utility Service Disruptions

    Electrical Power Failure:

    • 移动到一个安全的地方,用手电筒甚至你的手机照明.
    • 确保你所在地区其他人的安全.
    • 等待学院工作人员通知其他需要采取的行动.
    • 应急发电机将提供临时照明.
    • 校长办公室将决定学院是否关闭.
    • 如果被困在电梯里,使用电梯里的电话亭寻求帮助.

    Gas Leak:

    • 不要打开灯或任何类型的电气设备.
    • Do not activate the fire alarm.
    • Do not light matches or lighters.
    • Evacuate the area immediately.
    • Call 911 to notify Campus Police.
    • 如果要疏散,请遵循疏散程序,同时避开危险区域.
      • Get outside and proceed at least 500 feet away from the building to the area on the other side of the parking lot<
      • 如果接到指示,准备撤离到校外的搬迁地点.
      • 在设施安全之前不允许任何人进入大楼.
      • 留在指定的安全区域,直到警报解除.
  • Hazardous Materials
    • Call 911 报告任何有害物质(化学/生物)的泄漏.
    • When reporting the incident, 具体说明所涉及的材料的性质,并报告确切的位置. 校园警察将联系必要的当局和/或医务人员.
    • 校园工作人员将检查他们的教室, 在办公室和工作区域发现可疑物品,并向校园警察报告.
    • 立即撤离受影响地区.
    • 离开教室时保持门开着.
    • 如果接到命令,请做好撤离的准备.
    • 留在指定的安全区域,直到警报解除.


    • Solids, liquids or gases that can harm people, property or the environment, including:
      • 放射性、易燃或易爆材料
      • 含有毒素、病原体或过敏原的化学品
      • Blood
      • Vomit/other bodily fluids
  • Shelter-In-Place

    就地避难(Shelter-in-place)用于疏散会使人们处于危险之中的情况, 如恶劣天气或有害物质在室外释放. 避难所可能会根据紧急情况而改变. 我们将通过大楼的广播系统发布公告.

    • Move students and others into designated safe areas such as inside rooms with no windows, bathrooms, 公用设施壁橱和楼下走廊没有室外窗户或门.
    • Close classroom doors when leaving.
    • Have everyone kneel down and be ready to cover their heads to protect themselves from debris.
    • 留在指定的安全区域,直到警报解除.
    • If outside, instructors will direct students into the nearest College building or appropriate shelter.
    • For severe weather, 如果没有时间进入建筑物或避难所, attempt to squat or lie low in the nearest ditch or low spot away from trees and power poles.
  • Bomb Threat

    If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb in a campus building or on the grounds, do the following:

    • Do not touch the object.
    • Do not turn anything on or off.
    • Evacuate the area immediately.
    • Call 911 to contact Campus Police.
    • 不要使用手机或对讲机.
    • Remain calm.


    • 查看手机显示,查看来电显示并记录电话号码.
    • 尽可能长时间地保持通话,并提醒该地区的其他人.
    • 有没有其他人拨打911联系校警.
    • Remain calm.
    • 听,问问题和记录信息:
      • Where is the bomb?
      • When is the bomb going to explode?
      • What kind of bomb is it?
      • What does it look like?
      • How is it activated?
      • Time of call.
      • 说话方式、口音、短语(“公地”、“中庭”等).)
      • Emotional state of the caller.
      • Background noises.
  • Explosion or other Similar Incidents


    • Take cover immediately under tables, desks and other objects that will provide protection and cover from falling glass or other debris.
    • Call 911 爆炸的影响很快就会消退. 描述紧急情况的性质,说出你的名字和位置. 如果你不确定你的位置,描述一下你周围的环境.
    • 如有必要,启动大楼火警系统.
    • Walk quickly to nearest marked exit when you hear the fire alarm or when you are told to evacuate the building by a College official.
    • 如果有烟雾,请靠近地板.

    如果发生紧急情况,建筑物的火灾警报器将被激活 evacuate immediately.

    • 协助行动不便的人士离开大楼.
    • 不要使用手机或对讲机.
    • 在疏散时不要使用电梯.
    • 当你离开大楼时,关上教室和办公室的门.
    • When you get outside, proceed at least 500 feet away from the building to the area on the other side of the parking lots. 保持消防通道、消防栓和人行道畅通,以便急救人员和车辆通行.
    • 留在指定的安全区域,直到警报解除.
  • Behavioral Intervention Team

    See something? Say something!

    • Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) responds quickly to behavior indicating a potential risk to self or others, 包括可能的暴力或威胁行为.
    • BIT identifies resources for student/employees and makes referrals to appropriate campus and off-campus agencies with the intent to provide the appropriate assistance.
    • BIT教育并授权校园社区认识到这一点, 报告并有效处理异常情况, dangerous, threatening and concerning behaviors.


    我们从周一到周五上午8:30检查提交的表格.m. to 4:30 p.m., when the college is open. 在紧急情况下,拨打8733或拨打911与校园警察联系.

  • Violent or Criminal Behavior

    如果你在校园里观察到犯罪行为或某人的威胁性行为, immediately call 911 to report the incident. Campus Police will respond.

    校园内发生枪击或爆炸事件, 马上找个安全的地方,或者找个掩护. 跑,躲,战斗,如果必要,等待进一步的指示.

    See Active Shooter/Lockdown

  • Persons with Physical Disabilities

    Mobility-Impaired Persons
    行动不便的人通常会出现呼吸系统并发症. 立即让这些人远离烟雾或烟雾. 行动不便人士的需要和偏好各不相同. 一定要询问对方对以下事项的偏好:

    • 从轮椅上移走的方法. 如果可能的话,不要在楼梯间使用轮椅.
    • 可用的和必要的援助人数.
    • 因疼痛而抬起时是否伸展或移动四肢, catheter leg bags, spasms, braces, etc.
    • Whether a seat cushion or pad should be brought along if they are removed from the chair.
    • 在一段楼梯上被向前或向后推进的.

    Visually Impaired Persons
    大多数视障人士都熟悉眼前的区域. In the event of an emergency, tell the person the nature of the emergency and offer to guide him/her to safety (this is the preferred method when acting as a “sighted guide”). 当你走路时,告诉对方你在哪里,并告诉他/她有什么障碍. When you have reached safety, 引导对方到他/她所在的位置,并询问是否需要进一步的帮助. Do not leave the person alone.

    Note: Visually impaired persons may be extremely reluctant to leave familiar surroundings when the request for evacuation comes from a stranger. 在灾难中,导盲犬可能会变得困惑或迷失方向. 盲人或弱视的人可能不得不依靠别人来引导他们, as well as their dog, to safety during an emergency.

    Deaf or Hard of Hearing
    Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may not perceive emergency alarms; therefore, 需要另一种警告技术. 两种预警方法如下:

    • 打开和关闭电灯开关以引起注意. 然后通过手势或文字,表明发生了什么,该怎么做.
    • 写一张便条,描述紧急情况和最近的疏散路线.g., “Fire—evacuate area. Do not use elevators”).

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